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Start your Tulip journey with a solid foundation

Tulip's services team is here to help you transform your frontline operations and start bringing your digital solutions to life.

A graph scaling up

Proof of Value

Before becoming a Tulip customer, our team will coach members of your organization to build functional Tulip solutions for a specific use case and pilot them on the shop floor. Your team will gain hands-on experience building Tulip apps and partner with Tulip to create a business case and deployment plan.

two app screenshots showing improvement results from a POV with Tulip
  • Demonstrate

    Demonstrate operational value by building and deploying functional Tulip solutions

  • Evaluate

    Evaluate platform capabilities and level of effort required to scale

  • Build

    Build a business case based on your specific success criteria and data


New customers partner with Tulip to discover and deploy the best use cases to jumpstart your frontline operation’s digital transformation. Whether you want to improve production visibility, digitize work instructions, track orders and materials, or improve scrap rates, Tulip’s Onboarding offerings give you direct access to our implementation methodology and the technical guidance to deploy quickly and accelerate your time to value.

a table describing the phases of a Tulip onboarding process
  • Identify

    Identify Tulip use cases that make sense for your team

  • Learn

    Learn deployment best practices and guidance

  • Start

    Start implementing solutions successfully

Success Plan

After initial deployments, or at any other time through your deployment and continuous improvement of Tulip app solutions, customers can take advantage of a Tulip Success Plan. Through a year-long professional services subscription comprised of a standard number of services hours per month, customers can receive specific guidance on solution design, build, testing, improvements, and ongoing maintenance. Support and enable your team as you execute on digital transformation.

DMG Mori Customer Photo - people looking at a dashboard

Proof of Value Offerings

If you haven’t purchased Tulip licenses yet, we encourage you to take a look at our POV offerings. These services are a good opportunity to help your organization see proof that Tulip is valuable in their operations without a large initial investment.

Quickstart POVBuild a small scope, deploy to production (non-GMP), and extrapolate the value of Tulip across a larger deployment.Scope of the POV is set, Tulip will not build solutions or integrations. Requires $100k+ potential investment for non-GMP customers.
Life Sciences Quickstart POVBuild a small scope, deploy in parallel to existing process, and extrapolate the value of Tulip across a larger deployment. Scope of the POV is set, Tulip will not build solutions or integrations. Requires $100k+ potential investment for GMP customers.

Onboarding Offerings

If you’ve already purchased Tulip licenses, onboarding offerings can be a great way to get started and prepare your team for a production deployment.

Start small, scale fast: Onboardings focus on a small and valuable scope that can be implemented quickly.

90 Day OnboardingTrain a team of app builders on Tulip's best practices to design, build & deploy functional apps based on your specific processes and data. Leave with a Transformation Roadmap personalized to guide your journey to scale-up.T&M up to 50 hours. Tulip will not build solutions or integrations. Requires Tulip licenses.
90-Day Life Sciences OnboardingTrain a team of app builders on Tulip's best practices to design, build & deploy functional apps based in parallel to existing validated processes. Leave with a Transformation Roadmap personalized to guide your journey to scale-up.T&M up to 50 hours. Tulip will not build solutions or integrations. Requires Tulip licenses.

Success Plan Offerings

The success plan offerings provide touchpoints for your team to consult with a Tulip expert after your initial deployment, and ensure you have immediate access to help answer questions and provide feedback for app builders on your team.

Ready to scale? Success plans provide monthly touchpoints with our Tulip experts to provide business critical, high-value use cases, increase complexity, expand horizontally, and integrate with 3rd party systems

Types of Activities Supported:

  • Advise on best practices for solution design

  • Support Citizen Developer led app building and testing

  • Consult on platform governance and content management

  • Facilitate and coordinate support tickets with the customer and Tulip Support

4 Hour Success Plan4 hours of Tulip Professional Services support per month.No scoped work, think of these as ‘office hours’. Tulip will not build solutions, and hours do not roll over month to month (“use it or lose it”). Requires customer to have licenses. Better fit for existing Tulip customers.
8 Hour Success Plan8 hours of Tulip Professional Services support per month.No scoped work, think of these as ‘office hours’. Tulip will not build solutions, and hours do not roll over month to month (“use it or lose it”). Requires customer to have licenses. Better fit for existing Tulip customers.
Enterprise Adoption Program (EAP)Build champions and teach best practices. We will also help you build a strong CoE methodology (Architecture, Project Management, Deployment methodology), and develop an internal library of apps. We will help escalate tickets and product suggestions. Additionally Life Sciences teams receive guidance for content validation, QA training, and GxP best practices.At least 100 Tulip licenses, 2 sites, and a willingness to set up and maintain a Center of Excellence (CoE). You must have completed one Tulip deployment project previously.

Let's find what's right for you

Looking for a different type of project or something specific? Our team can scope a custom professional services project to give you the best outcomes.

Representation of a digital guidance solution built with Tulip
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the difference between a Tulip Quickstart POV and other Proof of Concept projects I’ve heard vendors offer?

    A Tulip Quickstart Proof of Value (POV) delivers immediate, practical benefits on the shop floor by piloting solutions in real-world environments. It involves hands-on training for end users from the start, promoting early adoption and citizen development. For validated use cases, the POV allows for parallel testing, minimizing risk. This approach facilitates rapid feedback and continuous improvement, ensuring the solution is well-tuned to specific needs. In contrast, a traditional Proof of Concept (POC) focuses on demonstrating technical feasibility in a controlled environment, often delaying end user involvement and training, which can slow down implementation and increase misalignment with user needs.

    Tulip has a network of partners who are available for custom scoped services projects where we provide resources to build apps.

    For more information, contact us.

  • Why are life sciences offerings separate?

    Life sciences services offerings from Tulip, differ mainly due to the unique requirements and challenges of the life sciences industry. For organizations in regulated industries, we provide access to experts on our team who specialize in navigating these challenges. Increased complexity due to regulatory and compliance requirements often require extra consideration when scoping a solution. We will work with your team to ensure that your team is prepared for GxP and validation ready production deployments.

  • Will Tulip build a solution for me?

    A foundational element of Tulip’s value proposition is that your team is perpetually modifying and adding to their Tulip solutions to drive and align with changing manufacturing processes. Because of this, there is no such thing as a 100% solution, unlike a “traditional” legacy software solution. Tulip apps will continue to evolve and be iterated upon.

    We believe in the value of empowering your team to own the development process. Citizen development projects drive ownership and a healthy understanding of digital transformation practices that will make you successful. For this reason, our approach to services is often faster to see value, and almost always more cost-effective for teams as opposed to a vendor delivered solution.

  • How long can I expect these to take?

    Typical engagements with Tulip’s services team last between 3-5 months. Length will vary depending on the specific offering you select, and the size and complexity of the scope . We are happy to work with you to estimate timelines and set expectations on availability of our resources.

    For standard 90 Day Onboardings, we target go-live within 60 days. This timeline can be customized depending on your scope of work.

  • What is expected from my organization?

    When beginning an engagement with Tulip’s services team, we are looking for a few things from your team: availability, interest, and a capacity to learn.

    App builders should plan on budgeting several hours per week on this project to maintain success. If you’re engaged and ready to learn, and putting time in to understand how Tulip works, we can teach your team more and set you up for success.

    A few additional things that are nice-to-have:

    • Having knowledge of the operations and process that the apps will be deployed

    • A vision for how app builders can become a subject matter expert in Tulip, and transfer their knowledge to others.

    Regularly engaging with our team, attending meetings, and defining a project scope at the beginning is the best way to get your team ready for digital transformation.

  • Are Tulip services right for me?

    Tulip provides resources (University, Community, Knowledge Base) to help you get started on your journey. If you need more guidance or would like an expert to walk you through how to get the most value out of Tulip, you’re in the right place. Our packages vary from just a few hours of technical guidance, to full guided onboarding getting you ready for deployment in production. Talk to an expert today.