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Thanks for signing up for a free trial!

Look out for an email in a few minutes with instructions on logging into your account.

DMG Mori Assembly Line

There are two main interfaces required to build apps and make the most of your free trial. We created a complete onboarding guide to help familiarize you with how to navigate the platform!
  • Tulip University

    Become a Tulip power user with tips from customer success engineers who have deployed apps to hundreds of customer sites. Courses designed for engineers, managers, and executives.

  • Tulip Community

    Tulip community is meant for anyone working in manufacturing or looking to get into the field. Gain the skills you need to be a digital manufacturer and join a community of other practitioners eager to share their experiences.

  • Knowledge Base

    As Tulip's platform has grown over the year, we've developed documentation every step of the way. Browse our knowledge base for advice and answers from the Tulip Team.