Release 201 and 202 of the Tulip platform are here. These releases contain routine bug fixes and small feature updates, as well as the new Shareable Stations feature.

Shareable Stations

A station in the context of Tulip is very similar to a workstation on the shop floor. It is a way to organize tools, determine what work should be done in this space, and give insight into what is happening there.

In your instance, it is easy to get started setting up new stations for operators.

Shareable Stations make it even easier to deploy new stations to the floor. Now when you are creating a new station, you will have the option to get a shareable link and have an operator log into and set up a particular Station using a single-use link.

To get the link and instructions for the operator, simply select the “Get Shareable Link” checkbox when creating a new station, and Tulip will prompt you through the rest.

Want to learn more about shareable stations? Check out this support article →

Other Fixes and Changes

Release 201

  • Descriptions can be added to Connector functions
  • Connector functions require a name-value to save
  • SQL queries will now wrap in the SQL editor, making it easier to read
  • In addition, the SQL editor will resize properly when the window is resized
  • Input widgets can be connected to table records
  • Process or Step Timer Widget can be set from interval variables or table fields
  • New “is in” filter in Table API for filtering queries
  • Support for opening a document in an external program with a trigger in Player
  • You can now export the User table to a .CSV file
  • Cancel button on HTTP Connector Modal always cancels
  • Memory leak is resolved when publishing app state data in Player
  • Imported machines copy properly
  • Touch scrolling in Player on Windows devices operates as intended
  • Table columns sort in the correct order when sorting Tables with links

Release 202

  • The Machine Status Widget has been improved
  • Added Connector support for Snowflake Data Cloud
  • Default image widget behavior is no longer click-to-fullscreen
  • LTS version is shown in settings on LTS accounts
  • Added barcode scanner capabilities in Android, Mac, and Developer Mode
  • Improved stability in Player
  • Improved performance of real time table record lists
  • Connector function descriptions can be cleared and performance is improved
  • Color pickers always show site-specific color palettes
  • Timer widget formatting is corrected when going negative
  • User variable updates in Developer Mode only affect Developer Mode

These features and more are available to Tulip users in release 201 and above. To learn more about other additions and fixes with the most recent releases of Tulip, visit our community site for release notes, and our support site for resources. Want to learn more about a specific product feature? Reach out with questions.